Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What THEY'RE Having...

I think this is the toughest part of dieting for me. The rest of the family. Right now I'm going to go downstairs and make them pancakes drenched in butter and syrup. If I take one little taste, I'm done. So I ate a good, filling 3.5 point breakfast and a LOT of tea to make me feel full. I will be able to respect myself an hour from now. I will be be that much closer to my goal weight because I stuck it out for the 15 minutes it takes to make those pancakes.

I read somewhere that brushing your teeth right before you know you're going to have to face a major food temptation helps a little bit. The peppermint and just-brushed freshness and all:-)
I think I'll try it.

How is YOUR day going?

BTW----I was down 2 pounds this morning. It's nice to get results when you're working hard.

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