Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Weigh-In Woes

My weight was down this week by 1.5 pounds. I've been shooting for 2 per week but I need to listen to my own words and realize that if I am being faithful to a sensible plan, I shouldn't fret so much about the scale. The scale will catch up with the habit changes.

I am thankful today that I have stuck to the plan. I didn't eat one mouthful that was not accounted for. I ate good things that I enjoyed. I was able to do things with my family and not feel lousy afterward because I gave in to crummy food choices. I'm still motivated and the needle on the scale is moving in the right direction.

I sat down a lot yesterday instead of standing up while using the computer but I'll get back on track with that. I actually wasn't home much of the day and, unfortunately, most of that was with my keister seated in the driver's seat of my van. It made me extremely thankful that I took an extra few minutes to pack myself a filling low-point lunch before we left as the trip ended up being much longer than expected and I didn't have to blow money on fast food--healthy or not.

Have a great 'on target' day!

1 comment:

Pen of Jen said...

Excellent I love the idea of prepacking snacks and meals and I am going to incorporate this into my schedule!!!