Thursday, August 9, 2007

First 'Y' Visit Since October 2006????

Well, I finally got my behind to the 'Y' yesterday! I didn't get near the exercise in that I should have but it was so hot in there I thought I would pass out. I did walk/run for a mile on the treadmill at a pretty good clip. I swam with Carrie for at least an hour, part of that running through the water with her on my back (also great exercise, believe me!!!)

The scale is still happy with my results. I am going to try not to be too married to what the scale says because that isn't always in my control. I am, however, going to be absolutely ruthless when it comes to sticking to the program. I do so much better if I don't compromise with my points AT ALL. If I give myself an inch, I take a mile. I REALLY don't want to ever have to do this whole process again. Maintenance is one thing, but losing is a bit of a pain. If I can start the new year sans the extra pounds.......WoW! I would feel pretty unencumbered.

I better go eat something. I'm HUNGRY!

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