Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Summer, Dieters Rejoice!

So much of the focus, when we're dieting, is on the things we SHOULDN'T eat. I decided today that it might be a good idea to focus on what we CAN eat that is truly delicious. This morning I ate the most perfectly ripe fresh peach and it was so amazingly good. Last night I had marinated chicken on the grill. There's a fantastically refreshing watermelon, sweet and juicy, sitting on my counter cubed and ready to eat. One of my favorite summer staples has come into season....fresh tomatoes. I can eat a tomato salad, a tomato sandwich (thick with black pepper and light dressing), some delicious bruschetta when paired with some basil from my garden, fresh salsa that includes jalapenos and cilantro, or an unadorned sliced beefsteak tomato sprinkled only with a little salt. Need I go on?

There are so many great things we can and SHOULD eat this time of year. Dig in and ditch the guilt.

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