Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday, Monday

The antique market was fun. We didn't get anything but enjoyed the day out. I stuck to my points like glue. It was gorgeous out. Carrie had a party to go to in the afternoon so David (#4)took her.

Speaking of David. What a trip! He's a piece of work. This week is what they call school spirit week at his high school.....the week before homecoming. Each day has a different theme. Today's is "get up and go" day. You can show up with your hair a mess, wear your slippers, etc. Now my son is a Junior and although he isn't really tall, he works out so he is BIG! He got some big, glow-in-the-dark fuzzy footie pajamas with dinosaurs all over them and he wore them to school today. I just sat there shaking my head. I must post pictures.

I know that had nothing to do with weight loss but it was my laugh of the day.

1 comment:

Marsheila said...

LOL thats funny sis. Karen