Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Farmers' Market on Steroids

On Saturday, son#3 and I went down to the Eastern Market in Detroit. It's a bit past the harvest season so it's not quite as huge and colorful as it would be in late August. A square mile's worth of stalls and shops participate and the fresh produce available is great! There were loads of peppers (who could resist), potatoes, winter squashes, cabbages, brussels sprouts, etc. Of course, the first thing I bought was a cabbage for a buck that must have weighed more than my daughter. Luckily #3 carried it around for me. We bought so much produce we had to make a trip back to the car in the middle of our excursion. It was great. I got home and made roasted green salsa with the tomatillos I had purchased, a huge pot full of 'fried' peppers & garlic, trimmed and cleaned the whole enormous stalk of brussels sprouts (if you've never seen how they grow, google an image of them just for fun) and put them in the fridge, made a batch of cooked salsa, and cut up raspberries and strawberries for whoever was interested. It was a fun time and I got a ton of good produce and other staples for so much less than I would have paid at the store. My son was going primarily to make sure I brought home a ton of fruit but brought all his camera equipment in hopes of getting some good shots for his photography class. That part of it was a wash. It was drizzly the whole time and very overcast. We left the house at 6:45 and got there around 7:30 so it was still fairly dark when we arrived.

Having all these great, fresh foods in the house has helped to make the weight-loss journey a little more palatable. It has made it much more work to keep the kitchen clean as I am forever chopping or peeling or cooking something. It's worth it.

The sink is not all the way there yet this morning. My bed is made. Laundry is put away. I will probably get a little off course this week as Son#1 is home for a couple weeks without his car so I'm spending a little more time playing chauffer. It's great to have him home.

I best get started. Too much to do. I doubt I will post much this week. I'm under the gun on a few projects.

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