Thursday, September 6, 2007

Connie's Beef Stew

Last night for dinner I made a recipe I got from a new blog friend. She is a delight and so was her recipe for Russian Beef and Cabbage Stew. You will find it here I did cut the brown sugar in half just to make it more Weight Watchers compatible and to suit my taste. I figured I could always add more in later....and it turned out I didn't need to. It was fantastic.

That's all for today. Have a great, disciplined, joyful day!



Jessica said...


I found you blog through the comment you left on Katy-Anne's blog!

My Mom has done Weight Watchers before, so I am very familiar with the program! I hope that you do well!


Karen said...

Thanks for stopping by Jessica! Yes, I really like the program and it is working so well. Of course, these things work s-l-o-w-l-y, so it does require some patience.