Thursday, September 20, 2007

Joining Jen's 40 day Challenge

Jen at is just completing 40 days of breaking the habit of eating chips. She has been successful and is about to change another habit for the next 40 days. I plan on doing the same. I don't know what hers will be yet, but I've decided that mine will be a dual-sided challenge for those 40 days. The first will be a commitment to 30 minutes(minimum) of exercise per day, whether at home or the Y. I will not come in on my weight target by Christmastime if I don't add consistent exercise.

The next part of my self-challenge is not fat-related. It is something that causes me as much shame as my weight. I have trouble keeping my housework under control. I am not naturally one of those extremely organized people so I have had to struggle against this my whole life. I am not lazy, just scattered, busy, and needing to put my 'system' to work for me. I have had some success in this area with some real analyzing and work, but, like with the weight, it's time to conquer it completely. So, I have refined my plan to 'keep it together'. I will post my 'messie's manifesto' tomorrow as a way to make myself accountable via this blog.

On a positive note, I was just enjoying the fact that I have gotten rid of the equivalent of 4 three-pound cans of crisco from my carcass! That is pretty exciting. Kind of gross to think that a month and a half ago all that fat was hanging on me. Good riddance! I'm going to a wedding on Sunday and I'm very thankful I don't have to carry all that lard on my bones. Very unbecoming.

Four cans down, ten to go.

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