Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Still on Track but not Losing

No problem. It's definitely cyclical. My job is to eat within plan and I'm doing that.

Jim has joined me in Weight-Loss-World. It's a little tough for him because they have lunch brought in two or three times a week at work for staff meetings and such. He's probably going to change that a bit or make it so they bring in some low-fat options. He's already gotten them to reduce the number of catered lunches. They were delicious, but made it nearly impossible to tally points. It's just nice to have him losing with me. It makes it easier when we're eating the same stuff for dinner and provides some exercise motivation for each other with a little healthy competition. The YMCA has a point system when you work out there, and we used to try and 'outpoint' each other. He always won when we did this a few years ago (But I win, too, because he gets healthy!!) I'm glad he's hitting this with some resolve because I'd like to keep him around for a good long time!

I think that is one of the hard things when you're changing the way you eat. I love to cook, and I love to make things that my dearest husband loves. Unfortunately, when we modify them to be lower fat, etc., it does remove some of the 'yum'. Last night I made a lovely cajun chicken & pasta dish for the kids and a revised version for us. It was okay but what I REALLY wanted to serve him after a long day at work was the rich, creamy, meaty version. Instead he got whole wheat noodles and a 'cream' sauce made with skim milk and bouillon. BIG DIFFERENCE. Hey, it filled the void. I'll have to make something with eggplant and tomatoes in it tonight. That always goes over well because it's lowfat to begin with as long as it's not breaded and fried.

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